Saturday, December 13, 2008

Auburn's choice means Frog fans can rest easy

I had a bad feeling Gary Patterson would leave TCU for Auburn. I don't know why. He's mentioned for nearly every opening these days and has not left yet, despite some very enticing offers. I seem to remember something about a $2 million offer to coach Minnesota. And there was his alma mater, K-State, which has been in the market for a new coach twice in recent years. Neither was able to lure Patterson away from Fort Worth. But this time, I thought things would be different, that he would finally act on that urge to leave for a school that was at least in a conference that made it possible to win a national title.

But then word leaked that Auburn will hire Gene Chizik from Iowa State. Yes, that's the same Gene Chizik who piloted the Cyclones to 2-10 in 2008. And the Same Gene Chizik who won three games in his first year at Iowa State.

Of course, he was a great defensive coordinator at Auburn and Texas, but the man has won five games in two years. It seems odd that Auburn replaced a guy who won five games this year with a guy who won five games in two years. But maybe the Tigers see something in Chizik.

There were better coaches available. But count me among those happy with the hire. It means, at least for now, TCU will not be added to the list of schools looking for new head coaches.


Bethany said...

I didn't know you were so concerned about him leaving this time around. For your sake, I'm glad he will be at TCU for yet another year.

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