Friday, June 13, 2008

Breaking news in a different way

The media's embracing of blogs and other social media has revolutionized the way they get information to customers. No longer must readers of newspapers wait for the morning edition -- or even the next post on the Web. They can get their news from constantly updated blogs, which also allow these same readers to influence the coverage. Consider one way the Des Moines Register is covering the devastating Midwest floods.

Indeed, breaking news blogs will help make newspapers relevant again.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Wild animals make vacation more special

Another amazing part about our trip to the Canadian Rockies was the selection of animals we saw. And many of them, including the black bears, were close enough for us to get good pictures. The grizzlies were a bit far to capture without a powerful lens, but they looked close enough through my binoculars.

A new favorite

My wife and I just returned from a week's vacation in Alberta, Canada, where we visited Edmonton -- the provincial capital -- and the Canadian Rockies. I've always been a fan of the mountains. And the Rocky Mountains have been my clear favorite. But I had only seen what Colorado had to offer, not the Canadian portion of the fabulous range.

If the Canadian Rockies have an equal, I have not seen it. Part of their Majesty could be attributed to the fact that they were covered with snow after Memorial Day -- as one might expect so far north. Of course, as we flew into Denver on our way back home Saturday, snow was clearly visible on the Colorado mountain tops -- just not as much.
Maybe it was the time of year we were there. Or the cool weather. Whatever it is, there is something that gives the Canadian Rockies an edge over their American counterparts. Our friend Wendy, a proud Canadian, would agree.
This proud American has a new favorite range.