Thursday, May 03, 2007

candidates' second career choices

Check out what the presidential contenders would be doing if not in politics. It's nice for the Associated Press to report this information, but only one of them actually gave an honest answer. See if you can figure it out.
Update: 3:59 p.m. Among the minor candidates at tonight's GOP presidential debate will be Rep. Ron Paul, R-Surfside. Last time I saw Paul was at a bridge dedication in Lake Jackson. He had chosen to make the short ride from his home on a bicycle.
Update: 8:09 p.m. Ron Paul, who ran for president in 1988 as a Libertarian, was just asked to cite a tough decision he has made. In his days as a politician, he said, he could not think of a specific tough decision he's made that has affected the American people as a whole. Why is this guy on the stage? Yeah, I like the fact that he rides his bike to events no other national leader would, but he's a marginal candidate, further marginalizing himself with each word he utters.

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