Friday, November 17, 2006

Thugs target gamers

Sony's getting rich.

The new PS 3 video-game machines are selling for up to $600, according to media reports. This often happens when someone produces a product people actually want to use. The gamers are an interesting bunch. Many who waited to purchase a PS 3 when they went on sale just after midnight, did so in the freezing cold. Whether this constitutes dedication or delirium is debatable. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

What is clearly understood is that those waiting in line should be treated with respect. This did not happen at a Wal-Mart in Connecticut, where prospective PS 3 owners were attacked. One was shot, others robbed.

Every Christmas season, especially with the release of a cool gadget or game system, there are scattered reports of violence. But shooting someone is not the way to get closer to the front of the line. It sure is an ugly manifestation of the Christmas spirit.

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