With his long, wild hair, only one name was appropriate for the new kitten: Cosmo, after TV's Cosmo Kramer. We brought him home Sunday to join Annie, who seemed a tad irritated at her new companion. She's still hissing. But all indications are that that is natural as cats seek to establish their territory. ... There it is again, that hissing.
Stop it, Annie!
In true Kramer form, Cosmo is not backing down, though. (Yeah, right! Kramer -- especially when it came to clowns -- was a bit of a wimp.)
When we brought Cosmo home, it was clear he would live up to his name in other ways. Not only was his hair as crazy as the popular Seinfeld character's, but physically, Cosmo displayed many of the characteristics of his quirky namesake. I don't think he's stopped moving since he first set foot on the carpet. Cosmo Kramer epitomized physical comedy during the nine-year run of Seinfeld.
Cosmo's antics will certainly be good for a few laughs as time goes on.

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